22 AUGUST Web-O-Rama has been awarded the Softpedia 100% Clean Award, meaning that it contains no viruses, malware, or adware.
9 JUNE In April, I bought Microsoft's Visual Studio .Net and have been experimenting with new versions of Web-O-Rama in both Visual Basic .Net and C#. It will be several months, at minimum, before any .Net or C# versions of Computer Guys programs are available. For those of you interested in ordering the current version of Web-O-Rama Professional, please keep in mind that upgrading to future versions is free, except for modest materials and postage charges.
There have been very very few donations the past few months. It is unlikely that I will be able to continue offering Web-O-Rama and other programs as donationware for much longer.
7 MARCH Complete site overhaul. I have not yet figured out where to put some of the pages that were previously on the site, such as the Links page. Work on the site will continue. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
14 NOVEMBER I have moved the story of the spam attack of 11 October to its own page, When Spammers Attack.
30 OCTOBER Web-O-Rama Professional, v. 8.04, has been released. Version 8.04 is available on CD only. Please download whatsnew8.zip (a zipped Word document) for details about the new version, screen shots, and a printable order form. The donationware version, Web-O-Rama Standard, is still available for downloading.
29 OCTOBER A new version of Image Saver, v. 8.2, has been released.
Pad-O-Rama has been withdrawn and is no longer available or supported. I have received very few donations the past few months, and I am unable to continue to pay for storage space and bandwidth for more than a handful of programs.
27 OCTOBER A new version of Screen Capture, v. 3.2, has been released.
26 OCTOBER A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.92, has been released.
20 OCTOBER A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.91, has been released.
14 SEPTEMBER A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.90, has been released. The changes are mostly minor.
11 SEPTEMBER Web-O-Rama Professional, v. 8.01, has been released. Version 8.01 is available on CD only. Please download whatsnew8.zip (a zipped Word document) for details about the new version and a printable order form.
4 SEPTEMBER A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.87, has been released.
31 AUGUST If you are using Windows ME and are having trouble installing Web-O-Rama (see 4 August "What's New," below), download setup.zip. Use it as a replacement for the SETUP.LST file that is included in the Web-O-Rama installation package. Download and unzip the full installation version of Web-O-Rama. Unzip the contents of setup.zip to the same folder, overwriting the SETUP.LST file that is already there. Run the installation. This special SETUP.LST file is designed for use with the latest release, Web-O-Rama 7.92, only!
25 AUGUST Web-O-Rama was popular radio show host Kim Komando's Shareware Pick of the Week for 24 August.
9 AUGUST A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.83, has been released.
4 AUGUST Several people have reported installation problems with recent versions of Web-O-Rama. When Web-O-Rama setup first runs, it reports that system files are out of date and that a reboot is required to update them. After the computer is rebooted and the setup program is restarted, Web-O-Rama setup once again reports that system files are out of date. Please see a Microsoft article for details about the problem and possible solutions. Web-O-Rama setup copies files needed for updating system files to the TEMP folder. If you have a "Window washing" program of some kind on your sytem that automatically empties your TEMP folder when your computer is rebooted, Web-O-Rama setup will be unable to update system files. Keep in mind that you need to be a Power User at minimum to install Web-O-Rama on Windows 2000. You need to be an Administrator of the local machine to install Web-O-Rama on Windows NT.
You may also want to check your computer for the presence of the W32.Sircam worm. The worm is extremely widespread and can cause unpredictable behavior on infected machines.
18 JULY A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.8, has been released.
5 JULY An all-new version of Web-O-Rama Professional, v. 8.0, will be released this fall. The new version features an editing window that supports as-you-type HTML syntax coloring, unlimited Undo/Redo, line numbers, and much more. There will be no Standard version with the new features.
3 JULY A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.75, has been released.
15 JUNE A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.73, has been released.
Due to a hard-drive crash, I lost a handful of e-mail inquiries that had been sent to me over the past few weeks. If you e-mailed me and I failed to respond, please e-mail me again. Thanks.
30 APRIL A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.67, has been released.
19 FEBRUARY See Bugs page for several compatibility issues between Web-O-Rama and Windows 2000.
18 FEBRUARY A new version of Image Saver has been released. This version fixes compatibility issues with Windows 2000.
28 JANUARY In January, I received several donations, including one extremely generous donation of $50. Several people ordered Web-O-Rama Professional, as well. My heartfelt thanks to those who are contributing to the continued support of Web-O-Rama.
11 JANUARY I received an e-mail from someone trying to use Image Saver on a machine running Windows 2000 and it isn't working. I'm not sure if this is the fault of Image Saver, Windows 2000, or the person who e-mailed me. More information will be posted as it becomes available. As of this writing, there are no known compatibility problems between any of my other programs and Windows 2000.
8 JANUARY Due to severely inclement weather over the past month, it has been difficult to check my post office box each Saturday as I usually do. If you have sent an order, please be patient. You can e-mail me if you are concerned about any delays.
4 DECEMBER A new version of Web-O-Rama, v. 7.36, has been released.
25 NOVEMBER Despite a woeful lack of donations ($0 in November, although two kind people sent a total of $60 in October, and several sent donations in September), a new version of Web-O-Rama will be released in the next week or two. This version will mainly fix a few minor problems with the program. An updated Help file will be included.
25 SEPTEMBER Screen Capture and Pad-O-Rama will only remain available for a short time. I no longer have free storage space for them. I am charged 2¢ per megabyte for downloads from www.kevingunn.com, and, while that doesn't seem like much, it could add up fast. Sponsors, advertisers, or donations would be most welcome. Image Saver and Web-O-Rama will continue to be available for the foreseeable future.
13 SEPTEMBER We finally have our own domain! All domains with logical permutations of "The Computer Guys" had already been taken (unless one counts such things as, "computertheguys" and "theguyscomputer"), so I decided on www.kevingunn.com. Barring strange and unforeseen circumstances, www.kevingunn.com will be the permanent home of The Computer Guys.
11 AUGUST Check out CNet's review of Web-O-Rama in 5 Web Editors Under $50.
4 JUNE Complete site redesign to make it easier to navigate and faster to load.
13 MAY Web-O-Rama, v. 7.20, released. This version includes program enhancements and a comprehensive Help file.
8 OCTOBER A new version of Screen Capture, v. 3.1, is now available. This version fixes a few minor problems with earlier versions. Read install.doc before installing the program.
1 JUNE A new version of Image Saver, v. 7.60, is now available. The setup routine should no longer cause problems. This version fixes a slight incompatibility problem with NT 4.0. Read install.doc before installing the program.
14 DECEMBER Lamar, our oldest cat and my programming companion, died just before Christmas 1998. Although he had been in failing health for several weeks, Lamar's death was unexpected and sad, particularly considering his miraculous recoveries from previous serious health problems. If you have a few minutes, please visit the memorial page I have created in his memory.
Copyright © 1997-2002 Kevin Gunn
P.O. Box 442155 · Lawrence KS 66044-8933 ·
The Computer Guys has had visitors since 13 September 2000.
Between 13 September 2000 and 5 May 2002,
The Computer Guys had 50,000 visitors.
Between April 1997 and September 2000, the original
Computer Guys site on Delphi had 130,000 visitors.