This is a list of reported, known, and potential problems with Web-O-Rama. The latest version, v. 7.92, has few known issues. Users of versions earlier than v. 7.05 should download and install the latest version before reporting bugs. Version 7.05 fixed numerous, mostly minor problems in previous versions.
Problem: Changes to font style, size, and background color of main editing window are not "remembered" by Web-O-Rama in Windows 2000.
Status: Known bug. Fixed in v. 7.92.
Problem: If more than nine files are open, and you attempt to access one of them through the Windows > More Windows menu, Web-O-Rama generates an error message and will not shut down normally. This problem affects Web-O-Rama Professional only.
Status: Known bug. Fixed in v. 7.92.
Problem: The "Undo" feature on the Edit menu does not work in Windows 2000.
Status: It just plain doesn't work. Being investigated.
Problem: Cannot display Web pages in Netscape 6 from within Web-O-Rama.
Status: I couldn't get it to work on my system, but I received an e-mail from a Web-O-Rama user who said it worked fine on her system. Currently being investigated.
Problem: Occasionally, images don't show up in the Image dialog and/or display "0 bytes."
Status: I have only received one report about this and I can't reproduce it. It may have been specific to the user's system.
Problem: Web-O-Rama locks up when it is run for the first time.
Status: This appears to be a conflict between the graphics card or graphics driver and the splash screen. Set the number of displayed colors to a lower value, start Web-O-Rama and disable the splash screen (on the Preferences dialog). You can then reset the number of displayed colors back to what it was originally.
If this doesn't work, download webosplash, a small utility you can use to disable the splash screen from outside Web-O-Rama.
Problem: When a dialog is "on top" (push-pin in lower left is red), the dialog becomes locked in place and Web-O-Rama must be shut down using Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Status: What's actually happening is that a message box is popping up behind the dialog. This problem was fixed in v. 7.05. If you have an earlier version, you can use the tab key to tab to the message box hidden behind the dialog and press the space bar to close the hidden message box. This will require some experimentation, but is possible, and you won't lose your work.
Problem: Selecting an image with the Image dialog causes a General Protection Fault.
Status: The following information was adapted from a newsgroup post.
Errors in module DISPLAY, GDI, DIBENG, MSHTML, or your video driver usually indicate a video driver problem. KERNEL32 errors may also be caused by video drivers.
For video driver problems, try the following:
If one of those "fixes" the problem, you should get an updated video driver from your video card manufacturer or your PC manufacturer. Sometimes you get better (more stable) drivers from the video CHIP manufacturer.
Problem: The Cut, Copy, and Paste routines sometimes cause the pasted material to appear double-spaced.
Status: Fixed in v. 6.32; may still affect spell-checking with Microsoft Word.
Problem: Using Microsoft Word to spell-check HTML documents causes erratic behavior.
Status: Fixed in v. 6.32, although you will not be able to check the spelling of documents greater than 32 kilobytes in length. Files longer than this must be spell checked in sections. Section of spell-checked document may be double-spaced after spell-checking. The option to check spelling using Microsoft Word was removed, for various technical reasons, from v. 7.05 and later versions. A built-in spell checker will be added to a later Professional version.
Problem: Files can't be opened from the Recent Files list. The Default Directory can't be set. Other problems opening files.
Status: Fixed in v. 6.15 and later versions. This error was the result of a tiny slip-up on my part.
Problem: The Autosave feature on some of the dialogs behaves erratically.
Status: Fixed in v. 6.15 and later versions.
Problem: The File View and Directory View controls cause the program to shut down or cause other erratic behavior.
Status: File View and Directory View have been removed from v. 6.15 and later versions until a definitive solution can be found.
Problem: Error during installation when the setup program tries to update msvcrt.dll.
Status: [Problem has apparently been fixed in v. 6.71 and later.] This is yet another oddity of Visual Basic 6's setup routines. Skip the installation of msvcrt.dll; it does not seem to be critical to the functionality of the programs. New versions of all my programs will be released as soon as Microsoft comes out with a fix for the installation glitches [Service Pack 3 released May 21, 1999].
Problem: Error messages, such as "Cannot read file RBT" or "Cannot open source file," during installation.
Status: Download and install vbrun60sp3.exe, a Microsoft update, from Microsoft's Web site.
Problem: Users of Windows 95A may experience problems installing Visual Basic 6 programs (". . . linked to missing export file oleaut32.dll").
Status: People using the original release of Windows 95, known as OS1 or Windows 95A, will not be able to install Visual Basic 6 programs if they have not installed any program that has updated a system file called oleaut32.dll, such as Internet Explorer 4, Office 97, or any program written in Visual Basic 5. You can easily check which version of Windows you're running by going to the Control Panel and clicking on the System icon. The first tab of the System menu will show the version number. Users of Windows 95B or 95C, Windows 98, or NT 4 should not be affected by the problem. To double-check, find oleaut32.dll in the Windows \ System folder, right-click on it, and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu. If you do not have v. 2.20 or higher, you will be unable to install any of my programs until the file has been updated. Installing vbrun60sp3.exe, available from Microsoft's Web site, will update oleaut32.dll and several other important system files. According to information in Microsoft's Knowledge Base, installing this file before installing any Visual Basic 6 program should prevent almost all potential problems.
Problem: A system failure may occur after installing Visual Basic 6 programs if the Windows \ System folder and the Windows \ Temp folder are on different hard-drive partitions.
Status: Attempting to install any Visual Basic 6 program on a computer with two hard-drive partitions, such as C drive and D drive, where the Windows \ System folder and system files are on the first partition and the Windows \ Temp folder is on the second, may cause a system failure, particularly if setup is run from the second partition. Always run a program's setup routine from the primary partition (usually C drive), which should have the System and Temp folders as subdirectories of the Windows folder. Unless you are installing the program from a CD or from floppy disks, create an empty temporary folder on the first partition, extract the zipped files to the folder, and run setup from there. Having the System folder and the Temp folder on different partitions is an extremely unusual configuration and is nothing a typical computer user should have to worry about. It would not hurt, however, to check your system configuration before installing any Visual Basic 6 programs.
Problem: Cannot install using WinZip's install feature.
Status: Do not try to use WinZip's install feature! It just absolutely won't work.
Copyright © 1997-2002 Kevin Gunn
P.O. Box 442155 · Lawrence KS 66044-8933 ·